The Leadership

New Life Bible Chapel is led by two elders, Br. Shaji Matthews and Dr. Sajan Mathews. These elders are responsible for shepherding the people of God and ensuring their spiritual well being primarily through prayer and teaching from the Word of God. Along with the elders, NLBC has a board that assists in administrative matters. The board is made of spiritually gifted men who serve voluntarily. It consists of:  Br. Shaji Mathews (President), Br. Benjamin Chacko (Vice President), Br. Elias Thomas (Auditor), Br. Adai Varghese (Treasurer), and Dr. Sajan Mathews (Secretary). In addition, New Life Bible Chapel has four directors: Br. John Thayil, Br. Santosh Thomas, Br. Jisho Varghese, and Br. Abin Varghese. Each person on the leadership team serves in ministries that are in accordance to their spiritual gifts.